Foods That Cause Inflammation: The 3 BIG Culprits

By Dr Olivia Naturals Support • June 29, 2020

If you’re struggling with inflammation, it might be linked to the foods you’re eating. 

In this post, I’m going to reveal some of the biggest inflammation-causing culprits and what foods actively help reduce inflammation.

You can cut one or a combination of them for even more potent inflammation-fighting effects. 

Culprit Number One: Wheat

Wheat is one of the most inflammatory grains. Because the wheat we eat today is nothing like the wheat our ancestors ate. It’s been treated with so many pesticides, stripped of so many nutrients, and processed to the point where it barely qualifies as food — much less nutrition!

One of the reasons wheat is so inflammatory is that it’s very high in Omega-6 fatty acids without being balanced with Omega-3s (which are anti-inflammatory) and other fats. 

This creates inflammation in the gut and often triggers feelings of bloating and brain fog.

But it gets worse. Because wheat is so highly-glycemic, too much consumption of it can lead to “carb cravings,” crashes, and even weight gain. 

This is why many people experience benefits from a low-carb or gluten-free diet. 

They’re simply better off without wheat in their diet altogether. 

And many people notice an almost immediate difference in energy, pain, weight, and mental clarity when they reduce or cut out wheat. 

My recommendation: Cut out or dramatically reduce the amount of wheat you eat. It’s a powerful way to lower inflammation in the gut and whole body — with an added bonus of promoting weight loss.

Culprit Number Two: Dairy

The second food I recommend reducing or eliminating is dairy.  Dairy is one of the most common food allergens in the world, and there’s a reason why: It’s harsh on the gut and triggers inflammation.

This is because of the highly acidic and mucus-producing nature of dairy. These two things make the body more inflamed.

So here’s what I recommend: Rather than ingesting full-fat milk and other diary products, consider some healthy alternatives instead. 

Things like unsweetened coconut, cashew, almond, and hemp milk can all be great, lower inflammation-causing options. Plus, they’re lower in sugar and acidity.

And, in many cases, they have just as much calcium as cow’s milk.

Culprit Number Three: Sugar

The third big inflammation-causing food is sugar. And this is the hardest one to cut because it’s the most addictive. In fact, studies have shown sugar is more addictive than cocaine

So when people tell me that they’re addicted to sugar, I know they probably really are.

There are powerful benefits to cutting out added sugar in your diet, including weight loss, lower levels of inflammation, clearer thinking, clearer skin, and so much more. 

So how do we get this inflammation trigger out? 

First, realize that all sugar isn’t bad.

It’s the added sugar we have to watch. Natural sugars from fruits and vegetables don’t spike your insulin levels, cause weight gain, or trigger inflammation nearly as much as added sugars do.

So you don’t have to remove sweets from your life entirely. Just be more selective about the kinds of sweets you’re choosing. Because they can be hiding out in even seemingly healthy foods. 

Some sneaky sources of added sugars are fruit drinks, flavored yogurts, cereals, dark chocolate, and many prepackaged foods. 

Added sugar is also found in items that you may not think of as sweet — such as soups, bread, cured meats, and even ketchup! 

So watch your labels and do your best to only get sugar from natural sources, like fruits.

I’ve seen clients experience rapid changes in their body and inflammation levels over a 7-day period of cutting sugar.

Try it out and see if you don’t notice a difference in how you feel. 

Inflammation-Fighting Foods

Now that you know what kinds of foods can cause inflammation, which can help fight it?

My go-tos are green, leafy vegetables and foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids. 

Green vegetables are very alkaline. This means they help neutralize a highly acidic environment. And remember, inflammation thrives in acidic environments. So the more you can do to reduce your acidity, the better you’ll often feel. 

You can get Omega-3 fatty acids from avocado, salmon, coconut oil, and extra virgin olive oil.

If inflammation has been a concern for you, try to avoid the top three inflammation-causing foods — wheat, diary, and sugar. And, try to swap some of those with more veggies and Omega-3s.