Frequently Asked Questions

How do you source the finest raw ingredients?

All our supplements are organic. Organic supplements use ingredients grown without the use of bioengineered or genetically modified seeds, synthetic chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides. All the ingredients are tested for identity, purity, strength, composition, and limits on contaminants. You’ll find many other popular health and fitness supplements common in your local health store or supermarket are not organic and packed full of synthetic artificial colors, dyes, toxic hydrogenated oils, heavy metals, and traces of pesticides.

Why is Dr. Olivia qualified to give advice?

In addition to being the founder and co-owner of The Wellness Connection, Dr. Olivia Joseph holds a Bachelor’s degree in Human Biology, a Doctor of Chiropractic Degree, and is board certified in acupuncture and Chinese medicine. Dr. Olivia is also a clinical nutritionist.

Outside of her practice, Dr. Olivia is an expert instructor for one of the largest vitamin and nutrigenomics companies in the world. She is also an active member of the St. Louis Institute of Integrative medicine.

Olivia has a passion for sharing and helping people discover healthy living and cooking. She loves to teach her patients how diet and lifestyle can profoundly impact “your” health.

Dr. Olivia is responsible for changing lunch menus at 3 private schools into much healthier and nutritious meals. Over the past 10 years, Dr. Olivia has conducted over 250 educational workshops to schools, churches, businesses and social groups on the topic of “Great, Yummy & Healthy Nutrition.”

What is Dr. Olivia’s mission?

Dr. Olivia’s mission is to produce formulas with a synergistic combination of ingredients to support specific health challenges. With 10+ years of clinical and patient experience having personally consulted thousands of clients, Dr. Olivia understands how the body works. It’s about achieving results.

It’s for this reason you will NEVER see a single ingredient supplement with the Dr. Olivia Naturals name on the bottle. Our supplements are formulated to achieve results, not quotas.

How do I get access to Wellness University?

It’s simple! With the purchase of any supplement, you get automatic access to Wellness University. Your username and password will be emailed to you. You’ll get valuable content on various topics like detox, deficiencies, food, gut health, hormone system, thyroid system, and outliers.

Can I take these products while taking my other "stuff" - vitamins and medicines?

Most of the time, the answer would be “yes”. But in our experience, we usually find that people are on more “stuff” than they really need to be. If you are taking a lot of “stuff” and you have concerns about interactions or whether or not it’s the right “stuff” for you then it may be time to meet with a qualified health expert to advise you.

Will any of these "hurt" my stomach or have side effects?

Nope! We purposefully sourced organic, safe and natural ingredients for this reason. Unless you have a unique allergy to any of the individual ingredients, you should feel just fine!

Why are your supplements better than everyone else's?

It’s very difficult to find a high quality supplement brand that uses pure organic ingredients without including a bunch of “fillers.” Many other supplement brands use fillers that make the products cheaper to produce and therefore the quality suffers. This is how they keep the price low. We wanted what’s best for you. Therefore, we maintained the highest quality while also keeping the pricing very affordable. Our goal is to see you get well and stay well!